4 Reasons to Apply for Biz 417’s Best Places to Work Survey
Why enter your workplace in Biz 417's Best Places to Work? Here are few key takeaways that make it worth it.
by Logan Aguirre
Nov 15 2023 at 8 a.m.

Biz 417’s Best Places to work highlights outstanding local businesses that are highly successful, offer robust employee benefits and have a motivating workplace culture. Results are broken into small employers (15–99 employees) and large employers (100 or more employees) and data from entries is analyzed by Best Companies Group. All participants have access to an in-depth analysis of the company’s culture from Best Companies Group based on the feedback from both employers and employees. By entering your workplace you have have the opportunity for heightened organizational pride, tons of PR shine and recognition.
1. Key Insights from Your Team
I always say, “I can’t do better until I know better” and that’s what the data you receive from Best Companies tells you. The employee engagement survey responses are the most heavily weighted part. You can get a true pulse on how your employees view you as an employer so you can understand their sentiments, address their needs, and improve morale.
2. Benchmarking Against Other Companies
The results are divided into large and small employer groups. You can see how you measure up to other businesses in our market based on your company size. The survey offers actionable insights to help you create a high-engagement and high-productivity work environment
3. Move the Needle On Your Company Culture
Once you see which areas you need to improve and create your plan, applying year after year helps you see if you are moving the needle or not. Benchmarking against other businesses is one thing. Benchmarking against yourself is the real sweet spot.
4. We Partner with the Best in the Biz
Biz 417 has the exclusive rights to partner with Best Companies group in southwest Missouri. Why does this matter to you? Best Companies Group has 20 years of expertise in measuring, recognizing and improving thousands of workplaces. They measure the culture of more than 5,000 organizations each year. Bottom line: they are the go-to resource for workplace surveying.
A Message from Logan, Owner of Biz 417
Full disclosure: I applied for my own contest. I promise, I wasn’t trying to compete for a spot on our own Biz 417 Best Places to Work list. But I did want the benefit of seeing a full picture of how we stand up as a workplace. So I applied for the Best Places to Work survey just like the 20 top companies that we honored. Our results were evaluated by the team at Best Companies Group just like everyone else.
True confession: we would not have ranked in the top 10 for small businesses. But that’s why I applied. I wanted to see the data on where we are hitting the mark and where we need to improve. We received high marks on culture, communication, role satisfaction and overall engagement and not so high marks on pay and benefits. And now the work begins on drilling down into the areas to improve. I’m excited to work with our team on how to solve the puzzle together.
BONUS: If you place in the top ten we’ll throw you a heck of a party and give you all the resources you need to blast the good news to the world!
It’s probably safe to say that any company that chooses to apply as a best place to work is likely already a pretty good place to work. They apply so they can see where they can keep improving. If like me, you know you likely won’t make the list, that’s even more reason to apply. See how your employees truly view you as an employer and then identify what to focus on to improve. The survey is open right now, so I encourage you to apply.