SRC Holdings Solves Needs for Self-Storage
Learn how SRC Holdings solved a need for self-storage while making the best use of property they already owned.
By Max Havey
Sep 2024

The Problem
In 2021, Jack Stack set forth an ambitious $100 million plan for real estate development and diversification led by the SRC Development Group. According to Property Manager Kim Bell, the Enterprise Self Storage project came out of discussions about Stack’s plan. It was the vision of Dick Mosier and Dennis Sheppard, using a piece of land SRC already owned to build a self-storage facility. “Their idea was utilizing the campus on Sunshine,” Bell says. “They foresaw the need for storage units and decided that would be the best use of our property there.”
The Big Idea
The result of their vision is a 300-unit that features 24/7 surveillance with a climate-controlled environment. Bell notes that ease of use and convenience are also key factors when people are looking for self-storage options. “There was a need for convenient storage units,” Bell says. “Most people won’t rent anything that is more than 20 minutes from home.”
The Learning Curve
While it took some time to get the project up and running, Bell notes that they started in 2022. The biggest stumbling block throughout construction was working around unpredictable weather. Amid roadblocks, the project was completed in just about two years.
The Takeaway
Now that Enterprise Self Storage is open for business, Bell is continuing to fine tune based on what customers are looking for and how Enterprise can best provide it. “You don’t even need to see my face,” Bell says. “You can just do everything online if you want.”