
Five Southwest Missouri Health Institutions Work Together

In support of healthcare education, five local institutions are working together with a singular focus to solve a regional problem.

By Megan Price

Mar 2025

Photo courtesy CoxHealthThe Alliance for Healthcare Education dual-enrollment program that allows students from SPS to attend classes on the OTC campus and earn a Certified Nursing Assistant or Emergency Medical Technician credential.

In the face of a health workforce shortage, five powerhouse institutions in Springfield decided to do something revolutionary: unite under a single mission. The Alliance for Healthcare Education officially launched last August with CoxHealth, Missouri State University, Ozarks Technical College and Springfield Public Schools.

“This isn’t about one institution; it’s about solving a regional crisis and building a sustainable pipeline of health care professionals,” says Shallina Goodnight, Executive Director of the Alliance for Healthcare Education. The Alliance aims to address a critical gap by creating new educational pathways and opportunities for students to step into in-demand careers.

Breaking Down Silos To Build Bridges

The Alliance board is composed entirely of the top leaders from each of the partnering organizations; Max Buetow, Biff Williams, Hal Higdon, Grenita Lathan and Rob Fulp. This unified model ensures that every decision prioritizes the region’s collective needs over individual, institutional traditions. A standout example of its impact is the dual-enrollment program that allows students from SPS to attend classes on the OTC campus and earn a Certified Nursing Assistant or Emergency Medical Technician credential, and potentially up to an associate degree in bioclinical science, all at no cost. 

Putting $15 Million To Work

State funding to the tune of $15 million is enabling the Alliance to transform the former Cox College into a cutting-edge health care education hub. This investment aims to attract students and health care professionals, with a ripple effect of economic and educational benefits.

Expanding Horizons

This fall, the Alliance will welcome its first cohort of post-high school students, integrate mentorships and internships, and expand to serve rural communities. It’s reshaping healthcare by aligning education with workforce needs.